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发布时间:2022-08-25    作者:激光应用创新研究院    点击:     

近日,我校激光应用创新研究院的硕士研究生孙家坡(第一作者)、刘列教授以及韩良华老师(共同通讯作者)在美国光学学会(OSA)期刊Optics Continuum(formerly OSA Continuum)发表关于100 kW超高功率光纤激光器的最新文章“100 kW ultra high power fiber laser”,初次报道了南华大学与锐科激光等单位联合研制了中国目前首台最大功率、全球第二大功率的高性能100 kW工业光纤激光器。

在这项研究中,该激光器基于自主研发的无光致暗化大模场增益光纤和976nm锁波长高功率高亮度泵浦源,采用二次7×1光纤功率合束技术,实现了101.65 kW的最大激光功率输出,中心波长为1080±5 nm,光谱带宽为(3dB)5-8 nm,输出光纤纤芯直径为400 μm,光束质量BPP为19.28 mm*mrad,激光功率不稳定性为±1.1%。其激光无损包层剥离技术、无畸变拉锥技术、斜面式多管芯合束技术以及圆形内包层改性设计,均达到国际先进水平。


此外,激光应用创新研究院于世伟硕士研究生为第一作者,刘列教授为通信作者的文章“Ultra-high power laser for vitrification of borosilicate glass”已经被国际期刊AIP Advances录用,预计在2022年9月份在线发表,后续相关研究成果将进一步报道。


论文摘要: Based on the self-developed non-photodarkening large mode field gain fiber and the 976 nm wavelength-locked high-power and high-brightness pump source, and using the secondary fiber power combining technology, a high-performance 100kW fiber laser in China was built, realizing high-order mode and non-linear effect suppression. The maximum output power of the laser can reach 101.65 kW, the center wavelength is 1080 ± 5 nm, the spectral bandwidth is (3dB) 5-8 nm, the output fiber core diameter is 400µm, the beam quality BPP is 19.28 mm*mrad, and the laser power instability is ±1.1%. Its laser non-destructive cladding stripping technology, distortion-free taper technology, inclined multi-die beam combining technology and circular inner cladding modification design have all reached the international advanced level.



